Home Updates News 14 celebrity nipple piercings (probably) never knew

14 celebrity nipple piercings (probably) never knew


The piercings of the celebrity nipples were pushed to the center of attention in 2004 during the infamous sipplegate of the tremendous bowl, but since then, the perception of the public around it has changed from a malfunction of the costumes to the statement of empowerment. Today, each body area is a game just when it comes to piercings, from the navel to its genitals, without society completely grabbing its pearls.

In fact, the piercings of the nipples are no longer considered the taboo orna notorious censorship of the political application). Against all probabilities, they are even in a trend once again, with more and more stars of Noah Cyrus to Kendall Jenner opening on his.

For some, such as actor Rooney Mara while filming “The Woman With The Dragon Tattoo”, the choice to pierce was the result of the character’s development. “I thought, she has it in the book and should have it (in the movie),” he explained in 2011 Seduce interview. “Due to all tattoos and makeup and piercings, and the physical transformations through which my body has to happen, it would always feel as if it were disguised, even if I was naked.”

Whatever the reason, it is not difficult to see why nipple piercings have become so popular among the usual clients of the red carpet: they are elegant, rebellious and frankly sexy. Then, if you plan to add to your cured perforations, you don’t look for more than the multitude of Hollywood to get a lot of inspiration. Keep reading to see celebrities with nipple piercings.



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