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‘I’m not a liar, I’m just stupid’: Read Matt Yglesias’ horrible excuse for ignoring Biden’s cognitive problems


One of the biggest (probably the biggest) stories of 2024 is President Joe Biden’s cognitive health and the cover-up by the media and the White House to hide his condition.

and that is exactly What they did: they covered it up. They can pretend they’re exposing the truth now, but if those of us without college degrees knew Biden wasn’t going all-in in 2020, the media has no excuse. They cannot pretend to be vaunted heroes, but they are not.

The most egregious part of this is how they will shrug their shoulders and ask, ‘How were we supposed to know?’ as if asking difficult questions and searching for answers wasn’t, you know, his job.

Here’s Matt Yglesias, admitting that he’s, well, a horrible journalist and an all-around unintelligent guy:

It really is something that needs to be said out loud.

Apparently not.

We remember it.

There is no ethical standard or shred of dignity they won’t destroy if it means helping Democrats and hurting Donald Trump.

The cover-up is always worse than the real lie.

Anyone with eyes could see it, really.

They are lying. They saw it.

It’s not bad either.

How embarrassing.

All this.

We would like to think that Yglesias is ashamed, but he is not capable of feeling shame, as this statement demonstrates.


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