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Experience ice fishing with your family


The practice of the white doll can represent a beautiful solution to spend good winter moments with the family. Some of the options offered to you, tout près de Québec, the Portneuf fauna reserve has no doubt about a destination of choice.

“Ice fishing is a winter activity that we don’t always think about,” explains Simon Boivin, communications manager at the Société des establishments de plein air du Québec (Sépaq).

“People and families often struggle to vary their winter activities. Ice fishing is an affordable, surprising and fun option. It is an excellent way to enjoy winter, its snowy landscapes and take time to have fun with family or friends. »

It is also a great way to learn to fish, for both an adult and a child, without having to buy equipment or know how to use a boat.

“The activity is not restrictive. Young people can come and go as they please. They run the risk of leaving with good catches,” Boivin continues.

Photo provided by Sépaq.


One of the chosen destinations in the greater Quebec region is the Portneuf wildlife reserve. Located behind the village of Rivière-à-Pierre, in the Portneuf region, this territory is easily accessible.

I ask Simon Boivin to explain to me why I should consider this territory as a destination of choice. Voice the elements that you identified as the positive points:

The proximity of Quebec. Possibility of reaching the lake less than an hour and a half away.

Possibility of lighting all the necessary equipment, brimbales and cuillère à glace.

A nearby heated shelter will allow you to come inside to warm up or have a snack.

Friendly, skilled workers on site to drill holes in the ice and provide advice.

The winter landscapes that present the beauties of nature in the sector.

The tranquility of wild nature in a fauna reserve.

Fish fishing lakes, where fishing opportunities are excellent.


You have the option to choose between two possibilities to practice white fishing in the reserve territory.

You can spend the day, but you can also enjoy a stay in one of the 18 chalets on the reserve accessible to guests. Around these, there are also other possibilities for activities such as sliding, skating, cross-country skiing and snowshoeing.

The activity is always free for children. Elle coûte $63.50 per adult during the day and $47.50 per adult during a chalet stay. For people who have their main equipment, the price drops to $34.50 for a chalet stay.

Pour pêcher, vous devez être détenteur d’un permis de pêche valide. During the week, it is possible to purchase a place at the reserve’s administrative office in Rivière-à-Pierre. For reservations, they can be made 24 hours in advance by calling 1 800 665-6527 or by contacting the reservation gens directly at 418 323-2021.

To enjoy the experience of some repetitions, I believe that fishing in the reserve represents a beautiful façon to spend a pleasant day outdoors and, above all, to lessennuyer of your favorite activity. Ça en vaut vraiment le coup.

In brief


The lack of snow we are experiencing this winter makes many people believe that winter activities such as ice fishing are compromised. Josianne Lavallée, from the Fédération des pourvoiries du Québec, meeting at the Salon National des Outfitters, asked me to send her the message that ice fishing activities are still on the calendar of several outfitters, in almost all of Quebec.
To know more: pourvoiries.com.


The government is introducing two changes to the fishing regulations for 2026, which will touch on fishing dates and au brochet fishing. In the case of dates, to simplify the procedure, the ministry proposes using fixed dates beyond the current principle of variable dates. The season begins forever, for example, on April 23, but it does not matter the day of the week. In the case of brochet, the ministry’s experts will note a very significant decrease in the stocks of grands brochets in the Saint-Laurent fleuve. The ministry plans to lower price and possession limits, and also establish a range of prices for preserved poisons. These changes for au fleuve fishing will be installed in 2026.


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