Tiktok, Reddit and IMGUR must be investigated by the United Kingdom’s data protection management body about how they use the private information of adolescents.
The Information Commissioner (ICO) office said he wants to analyze how the application to share Movies Tiktok Use users information aged 13 to 17 to deliver content recommendations.
Research at the Reddit online forum site and the IMGUR images exchange site will focus on its use of age guarantee measures, such as how they estimate and verify the children’s ages, and how they use their private information.
The regulator is taking measures in the midst of the growing concerns about how social media platforms use the data generated by the online activity of children in their recommendation algorithms, and the potential for young people to be treated as a result of harmful or inappropriate content.
The Tiktok algorithm promotes the page for you, which recommends movies to users based on the content with which they participate in the application.
A study found above The application was suggesting eating disorder and self -harm content To some new teenage accounts in minutes.
The information commissioner, John Edwards, said the regulator wants to ensure that the processes of the sites are “robust.”
Edwards said he hopes that “discover that there will be many benign and positive uses of children’s data in their recommendation systems”, as well as “elements designed to keep children safe.”
“What worries me is whether they are robust enough to prevent children from being exposed to damage, either by addictive practices on the device or on the platform, or by content they see, or other unhealthy practices,” he continued.
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He insisted that the Common is not “chosen to Tiktok” by including it in the investigation and said that the election was motivated by “the direction of growth trips in relation to young users, market domain and damage potential.”
“We have to choose one, we cannot extend too much to ourselves,” he said. “We hope to learn lessons that the entire industry can adopt.”
The ICO said that his investigations will examine whether there has been any infraction of data protection, and if evidence of possible infractions is found, he will put the information on the platforms for his opinion before reaching a conclusion.