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Dexter: The ultimate of Sin Authentic makes me think that someone in Miami Metro knows the secret of the main character, but I admit that it is not yet an infallible theory


Spoilers below for anyone who has not yet seen Dexter: Authentic sinThe Showtime ultimate or with a Paramount+ Subscription.

Dexter: Authentic sin Recently concluded season 1, and although we expect news about whether season 2 is happening or not, I have to talk about a potentially wild theory that I have possibly conflicts with what we know about the Authentic series. Here is the thing: after seeing the interactions of Younger Dexter with a stretcher of Sarah Kinsey, I have the suspicion that she is aware of the fact that he is a serial killer, even if she doesn’t do it. ‘ saber still.

After the Right The prequel surprisingly brought Brian Moser and even presented a confrontation between him and Harry, I suspect that Camilla has good reasons to remain silent with respect to anything he learns about his work colleagues, so it could be for that reason he has maintained The secret about Dexter’s double life for so long. time. Here is my thoughts, as well as how you can step on the fingers of the Authentic show if you are aware of the “dark passenger.”

(Image credit: Paramount+ with Showtime/Patrick Wymore)

Why I think Camilla could suspect that Dexter is a killer in Dexter: Sin Authentic


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