Home Updates News In Wisconsin! Musk Draws Attention to Dairy State’s Hugely Important Spring Supreme...

In Wisconsin! Musk Draws Attention to Dairy State’s Hugely Important Spring Supreme Court Election


The Conservatives won a big victory in the November 2024 election, but the fight to restore sanity and norms is far from over. There is a lot at stake in Wisconsin’s spring elections, including a chance for voters to flip the state Supreme Court.

This is important for two reasons. First, the Wisconsin Left has Act 10 in its sights. Act 10 is the Public Sector Union breakup bill passed by Scott Walker and the Republican state Legislature in 2011. There was much turmoil during and after its passage. Scott Walker even survived a recall effort due to Act 10.

In early December, a Dane County judge ruled the law unconstitutional after a lawsuit from leftist groups in the state. Act 10 is the only thing standing between Wisconsin taxpayers and massive increases in property taxes and school spending.

It is also important that conservatives retake the court to protect electoral integrity in the state.

Scott Pressler has been working on this, and now Elon Musk is bringing his attention to the dairy state:

Very important.

The voter ID amendment is also important.


Very grateful for this.

Hay a lot Riding this election.

Gotta keep our eyes on the ball.

We go to Packers games when it’s well below zero. We can do it on April 1st.

We need it.

Massive game changer.

Don’t be complacent.



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