Home Updates News Good Copy: JD Vance Praises Michael Keaton’s Multiple Performances in ’90s Clone...

Good Copy: JD Vance Praises Michael Keaton’s Multiple Performances in ’90s Clone Comedy


Vice President-elect JD Vance went on X Sunday to praise actor Michael Keaton’s performance in the nearly forgotten 1996 clone comedy. Multiplicity. Keaton plays different versions of the same character in Harold Ramis’ film. It really shows the actor’s range and comedic chops.

Here’s more.

Yes, the movie is about cloning. Watch the classic trailer. (LOOK)

There is a cult following for the fun ’90s movie. Keaton is a master of humor despite focusing primarily on more dramatic films over the past few decades.

The film is very quotable.

Here’s one of our favorite scenes featuring an anal retentive clone of Keaton’s main character. (LOOK)

Keaton masterfully juggled playing multiple variations of the same character, Doug.

This poster’s request to explain the film in football terms, and the subsequent responses, got us going.

We knew there would be a reference to Tim Walz. We just had the scariest thought: Tim Walz clones! Please never let that happen! We appreciate Vance reminding us how funny Multiplicity is and what a brilliant and talented actor Keaton is even if he voted for Kamala. The film is available for free streaming on tubes. Don’t forget the pizza.


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