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Democratic doublethink: C-SPAN caller hates ‘insurrectionist’ Trump but longs for an insurrection against him


A C-SPAN caller’s contradictory comment from California had many people scratching their heads Friday. The man says he can’t support an insurrectionist (i.e. President-elect Donald Trump), but adds that he supports Democrats staging an insurrection against him. What what?

Listen to it yourself. (LOOK)

Some say that having these contradictory thoughts in your head at the same time would make George Orwell jump out of his grave and say, ‘I told you so!’

Some were surprised that I could be against something and at the same time be for it in the same sentence. That’s pretty impressive!

Democrats and other sectors of the left are not handling Trump’s re-election well. They have learned nothing from their loss. Expect even more abandonments of logic and reason as his term begins and his agenda advances in Congress. Get ready for maximum madness.


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