The left has lost it.
In many ways.
Their minds, their movements… the choice. So many losses, so little time.
And instead of learning from their VERY humiliating loss in November, they’re doubling down on the stupid things that actually caused them to lose, which works out very well for those of us on the right. For example, instead of considering that perhaps elitist and liberal schools are actually a problem because they have become propaganda machines instead of institutions of learning, idiots like those at Present Affairs claim that it is the RIGHT that has an elitist problem .
Especially people like JD Vance.
No. Really.
Stop laughing. OK WELL, laugh, we did it.
Look at this:
Right-wing populism is typically made up of men who were born into immense privilege and attended elite schools who rail against people who are, in fact, often times less powerful and influential than them.
– Current Affairs (@curaffairs) December 30, 2024
From the idiots at Present Affairs:
Whenever you hear a right-winger complain about elite universities, it’s worth checking where they went to school. JD Vance, venture capitalist and Trump-backed Ohio Senate candidate, for example, echoes Richard Nixon and shouts that “teachers are the enemy.” But it was only through the mentorship of his Yale Law professor, Amy Chua, that Vance wrote his career-defining, best-selling memoir. How I Got to Yale Even though My Family Are Violent, Drug-Addicted Spenders Who Should Get on Their Own (published in the USA as peasant elegy). Right-wing populism is usually made up of men who were born into immense privilege and attended elite schools (Trump, Tucker Carlson, Josh Hawley) who rail against people who are, in fact, many times less powerful and influential than them (e.g. , immigrants). ). When you point it to their faces that they are part of the “ruling class” they rail against, they become extremely touchy about it.
Notice they don’t mention HOW Vance ended up at an elite college or how he grew up.
What a bunch of idiots!
JD Vance came from poverty with a drug-addicted mother and worked his way to the Ivy League.
Even by journalistic standards, this is incredibly stupid.
-Hammerjack (@Hammerjack90) December 31, 2024
Incredibly stupid is to say it right.
—Enguerrand VII de Coucy (@ingelramdecoucy) December 31, 2024
He was born in absolute poverty, idiot.
— EducatëdHillbilly (@RobProvince) December 31, 2024
Did you major in Dumbass at your community college?
— Nick Searcy, INSURRECTIONAL FILM AND TV STAR (@yesnicksearcy) December 31, 2024
Psh, don’t be stupid, period his minor.
Read this and then tell me about JD Vance’s “immense privilege.”
—Ben Kew (@ben_kew) December 31, 2024
They have done it. He learned. Nothing.
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